As a culmination of our topic of learning, about all things Antarctic, today we travelled by bus to the Antarctica Centre.

Bags packed, coats on and we were off.  The first exciting part of our adventure was travelling by bus – something that many of us don’t do very often (if ever).  We waved goodbye to Preschool and headed out and up Memorial Avenue.  Exciting things to see – a police car in action, the Antarctica Penguin bus travelling down the other side of the road and being able to see over the fences of lots of houses.  As the Antarctica Centre came into view we also glimpsed planes getting ready to land and take off.

On arrival we were met by Jane, who told us a little about what we were going to do and see. First of all it was a stop to meet the penguins and watch them swim around under the water.  Then it was strange blue shoes on and into the freezing cold snow room.  Negative 8 didn’t faze us.  We tried to form snowballs, did our penguin dance and explored an igloo.  After that it was onto see the penguins again, but this time we watched them be fed by their keeper and duck in and out of their burrows.

After that we ventured off with our wonderful whanau helpers and out teachers, exploring more about Antarctica and what life is like down there. What an exciting place, with so much to see and do.  We were able to see lots of things that we had been learning about and find out more interesting facts.  We also were able to spend some time with the Husky dogs.  They were a little hot, sitting in the sun, but more than happy to let us pat them and talk to the sled driver.

All too fast our time ran out, and it was time to find the bus and head back to Preschool.  Some checks to make sure we hadn’t lost any of our whanau helpers and then we climbed aboard.

What a wonderful adventure and an amazing celebration of all that we have been learning over the last couple of months.