Early Childhood Curriculum

Our philosophy embodies the principles, strands and goals of Te Whāriki, the Early Childhood Curriculum. We recognise the important role parents/whānau play in a child’s education and we seek to complement and build on this. We value parent/whānau input in the daily programme. We also value the input parents have in the decision making process for their child’s care and education. We believe that strong relationships between parents/whānau encourage partnerships in which everyone participates together to promote children’s learning and development.

As a not-for-profit, community based centre, we are supported by and are part of the wider Rangi Ruru community.  We value the opportunity to be part of the Rangi Ruru Girls’ School whanau and the access to many social, academic, physical and cultural learning opportunities offered within the environment.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

We recognise Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of New Zealand, therefore, we are committed to bi-cultural practices within our learning environment. This is acknowledged by the Rangi Ruru values of Manaakitanga, Awhi mai Awhi atu, Whakamana and Ako. We celebrate and respect ethnic, cultural, socio-economic, religious and gender diversity of families within our preschool and all that this diversity brings to the depth of learning which can occur here.

We provide an environment that fosters warm and respectful relationships, where all children are able to develop a sense of belonging and trust knowing they are in a safe and secure environment. The programme allows children time to investigate, explore and discover. Children engage in purposeful activities in a collaborative way with the guidance of their teachers. We foster interests and encourage children to develop and test their theories. Children are encouraged to be creative thinkers and self-motivated learners.


Play Areas



