Today we held our annual Trike- a-thon.
This morning the children eagerly decorated their bikes, scooters and ride-on’s in preparation for showing them off to family, friends and the Rangi Ruru ‘big girls’.
11.30 am rolled around and we couldn’t have asked for a better winter’s day. We headed down the school drive and into the beautiful rose garden walk. We weren’t there to admire the amazing rose bushes though (not this time), we had work to do!
Helmets on, pedals checked, lap card attached and after a quick safety briefing from Linda, we were off.
Our path was mapped out and supporters stood on all sides, cheering us on. Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, friends and family, lots of the ‘big girls’ and their teachers all encouraging us and even lending a hand on some of the tight corners and long flats.
Craig Morrison was there again, snapping photos of the determined athletes. Some of us even remembered to smile as we went past him.
A full lap count was completed, and a whopping total of 757 laps were achieved.
Thanks to everyone for turning out. We really appreciate the amazing support we get from family and friends at events such as this. Thanks to our school for having the perfect sized loop for us to use and all the wonderful support they give us.
Now it’s time to go back to your sponsors and collect their hard earned cash!
Finally a huge thanks to the confident, capable and determined children of Rangi Ruru Preschool.
Kei whea mai – Outstanding work.
Whakawhetai koe hoa – Thank you friends.